Is your power window running slow or did it slow down before finally dying? Did it come to a screeching halt smack dab in the middle of rolling up? Are you helping the glass up with one hand while the other is operating the power window switch? Does the glass seem to skip and slip, but eventually get’s almost to the top? If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, it’s likely that the power window motor has failed or is very close to the end of it’s life. You have options!
Contact Us
Phone Number:
Shop Address:
2439 E McDowell Road, Phoenix AZ 85008
Shop Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8-5:30
Sat: 9-3
Closed Sunday
Power Window Repair was founded on the premise that modern cable power window regulators were not only designed to break, but break often. The founder of Power Window Repair used his knowledge and experience in the engineering and automotive sector to design a way to re-manufacture and strengthen the OEM regulator, making it stronger, work like new and at a price that will keep your wallet from screaming for mercy! The most important thing is that the repair is designed and engineered to last for many years to come! We are famous for repairing cable window regulators so they won’t break again.